Nobody is perfect , i am Nobody

380415_2877830622066_830090287_nPerfect !!!!! Perfection !!! is such a great word to hear…

We see people trying to reach a stage of perfection in their life , we see people who envision perfection in their life and there is this another lot they are happy just they way they are..

We see so many people in this world,living turbulent lives trying to reach a state where they can calmly state proudly that YES!! MY LIFE IS PERFECT!! MY RELATIONSHIPS ARE PERFECT!! MY JOB IS PERFECT!! MY FAMILY IS PERFECT!! three very important components of life Relationships,Job and family which we cannot live without,around which our life revolves and one that cannot be avoided.

Question arises how do we reach this state of perfection in all the three components of life..Answer to it i believe is – you cannot , the dynamics of the world is built in such a way each of us is different than the other , we cannot please everybody and we cannot live somebody else’s life if its not worth living.

If i see the world from a 3rd person point of view and just analyze the life of a rich man and a poor you will see how the definition of the word perfection changes. I  have seen many poor people who live in a hut with limited food everyday and say they are happy with their lives and lead a perfect one as compared to their rich counterparts who have problems since they have plenty of money and i hear many rich people say otherwise.

The bottom line from this is doesn’t matter .. Nobody can reach a state of perfection in their lives cause perfection is not  a constant state, it keeps changing as the world around you changes. What really matters is “YOU” . Where do you find joy in your life,where do you really feel that when that time comes in your death bed you can look up to your family and have tears of joy whispering to yourself that you led a great life and you would not want to change anything if given a chance to lead the same life again.What matters always is ..WHERE AND HOW YOU ARE GOING TO FIND JOY IN YOUR LIFE CAUSE LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO FIND INSIDE UNTILL YOU OPEN IT :)..

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