A Skepticism on Criticism


Once their was a race tournament between groups sets of ants the black ants and the red ants,On the day of the race  the two groups met up amid lot of fan fair and pomp.

The red ants sent their best competitor and so did the white ants ,but since the race was scheduled in the town the red ants lived ,their were more number of red ants compared to their neighbors.

The white ants had a small delegation of 5 and were clearly outnumbered to the hundreds of red ants seated in the arena.

Alas..!  the race began and off went the two competitors; the entire arena heard thunderous chant supporting the red ant racer, Slogans raised up and loud claps and shouts supporting the red ant racer, the red ant raced hard but the white ant who tho was physically less comparable to the red ant overtook the lead and won the race.

The stadium was shocked and silence spread across the crowd, mummers and whispers were heard as to how the white ant won the race even among such odds ,with no support and motivation from any quarters.

One wise red ant approached the white ant and asked the audacious white ant  the same as to how when faced with such impossible crowd was he able to win the race,to his shock he didn’t receive a reply, seeing the dilemma another white ant of the same delegation approached the red ant and explained

“Sorry sir, he is deaf by birth”….

-Danish Ahmed

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