A Skepticism on Criticism


Once their was a race tournament between groups sets of ants the black ants and the red ants,On the day of the race  the two groups met up amid lot of fan fair and pomp.

The red ants sent their best competitor and so did the white ants ,but since the race was scheduled in the town the red ants lived ,their were more number of red ants compared to their neighbors.

The white ants had a small delegation of 5 and were clearly outnumbered to the hundreds of red ants seated in the arena.

Alas..!  the race began and off went the two competitors; the entire arena heard thunderous chant supporting the red ant racer, Slogans raised up and loud claps and shouts supporting the red ant racer, the red ant raced hard but the white ant who tho was physically less comparable to the red ant overtook the lead and won the race.

The stadium was shocked and silence spread across the crowd, mummers and whispers were heard as to how the white ant won the race even among such odds ,with no support and motivation from any quarters.

One wise red ant approached the white ant and asked the audacious white ant  the same as to how when faced with such impossible crowd was he able to win the race,to his shock he didn’t receive a reply, seeing the dilemma another white ant of the same delegation approached the red ant and explained

“Sorry sir, he is deaf by birth”….

-Danish Ahmed

Complication of desires- the mother of all problems

A economic lecturer once in a school had said human wants are unlimited ,so is the economics of human needs which we humans dwell in times of today,

This ‘want’  or what i like to call as desires that humans try to look for transcends all limitations and class hierarchy,and as once cleverly said the more you stuff your self with food in your mouth the more the stomach will expand.

A poor  man earning a daily wage bought a bicycle as a means of transportation from his work to home, everyday  on way to his work he passes by a house of a another man earning a reasonable wager who owns a bike ,he passes by every day looking eagerly at the vehicle ,earning his heart out  to own one and brings about a disappointment in his life looking at his meager bicycle he rides everyday.

The same with the man who owns a bike passes by a house of another rich man living in his neighborhood everyday and eager’s for the car the rich man travels by everyday to work.

This desire that transcends humans of all classes and generations leads to a complication which  initially they are unaware of,it brings a gap between what they want to actually achieve and what they have achieved in life this complicates their life and leads to numerous problems.

Some take loans ,some take credit and some go beyond all means to fulfill this desire clearly on the way not distinguishing what a ‘need’ is from a desire and tend to bring complication’s in their life by thier own hands and doings.

Desires they think when achieved would bring a sense of pleasure or happiness in thier life but clearly being blind to the fact that unreasonable desires can only lead to a momentary satisfaction.

Keep it simple and silly,keep it reasonable  and affordable but most of all keep it within one’s grasp its only then that one can bring a value system in thier life and bring a  sense of respect in things that they have achived.

-Danish ahmed

How to behave like a fool!

Mullah Nasrudin (the central figure in almost all tales of the Sufi tradition) had already become a sort of attraction at the main market in the town.
Whenever he went there to beg, people would show him a large coin and a small one: Nasrudin always chose the small one.

A generous man who was tired of seeing everyone laugh at Nasrudin, explained to him:

“When people offer you two coins, choose the larger one. Then you will have more money, and people will not think you a fool.”

“You are surely right”, replied Nasrudin.
“But if I always chose the larger coin, people would stop offering me money, in order to prove that I am a greater fool than they are.
“And then I would no longer receive enough for my food.
“There is nothing wrong with appearing to be a fool, if what you are doing is in fact intelligent.”